Broken bones..again they were blind
Ambulance personal were amazing, but after x rays, they did not see the ribs. During the next few days they pushed for me to walk. One physio kept saying ...yes you have to get up now. My ribs pained and it was not addressed. She tried bulling me and I told her to get out. The student stood silent. I told her and the student I do not want her near me. The following day another came in. She was polite and treated me with respect and understanding. I did get up and walked for her, but crazy pain. 5 days and sent home. I had held my ribs when ever I moved. Day six I held my ribs and heard crackling. The pain reduced that moment. Not gone, but better. They missed the ribs I hurt...just as they had missed the blocked kidneys. ..which left me with urgent urine symptoms for weeks. It was said by another was, I was lucky my kidneys had not burst or backed up. 2 bags of saline and not one drop came out. BTW . The nurse told me that the female doctor would not see me until I gave a urine sample, I had totally blocked kidneys. She is incompetent and should not be a doctor, but since we are short on Dr's nothing will happen. Thanks to Dr Barry, he fixed the blockage. Now I am 7 weeks into healing my pelvis and ribs. They are saying they don't follow up on healing. Crazy. Broke my ankle 50 yrs age and it healed wrong. I refused to have it rebroken. I now can't jog without twisting it. I have a near death experience from my daughter, who had her bile duct cut. A week later collapse. Left in the hall until she bottomed out. Then hours to clean every organ, only to have the doctor sew her up with tubing inside. Back to the hospital. Same doctor cut it off and said it was thread. 20 years and she still has a knot of tubing you can feel.
So no follow up on the broken bones...we are thinking of leaving Canada for the safety of our health
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